Save your sister to save our UMMAH

Very often - and perhaps in our times when we have forgotten much of the Sunnah - the lectures, khutbahs, and talks are all directed to the Muslim men. We forget that from the Hady – guidance and way – of Rasul Allah - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam - was that he would allocate a specific day of the week to teach the women. Women would come up to him in Hajj, in the street, even in his home and ask him questions about the Deen. At the Eid Salah, after addressing the men, he would take Bilal and go to the women section and address the women. Allah revealed an entire Surah by the name of Surah An-Nisa – the Women. And another by the name of – Maryam. And a third by the name of al Mujaadalah – the women who pleads. It is in enlivening this Sunnah that this dialogue shall be addressed to the believing women, al-Mu'minaat.

The consequence of keeping women away from the lectures, khutbahs, and talks of sunnah , we are facing some terrible and heart-breaking incidents. One among those is our women doing marriage outside Islam. There is a very active group sponsered by RSS to brainwash our women and make them to leave their parents, home and very important the religion which wasn't there with those sisters who got trapped in the web laid by those groups.

Dear Sisters: Beware of RSS tactics - Reward to Hindus Boys for Marrying Muslim girls

You probably have received emails with the above subject. There are anecdotal evidences that point to an organized effort to woo Muslim girls and hurt them.

“It is learnt that Khurshida (18), Uday Kumar (22) and Rashida (17) and Mani (22) have been in love for the last one year…”

“Rajesh Bidkar, a member of an Indore radical group (Indore is the largest city in Madhya Pradesh state in central India) on Tuesday issued a SMS 'farmaan' (edict) with a reward of Rs 5,000 ($120) for any Hindu boy who married a Muslim girl.”

Even if you don’t believe these, having a Hindu/Christian boyfriend (Or, Girl friends for boys) is a serious issue. What seems like a puppy-love will, almost always, lead to doggy-acts and then grief.

Real Happiness:
Dear Sister, Dear Mother, Dear Daughter. Everyone is looking for happiness and fun, and I am sure you are not excluded. Where is that happiness and fun though? And where and when do you want that happiness? Do you want happiness, do you want to have `fun' in this life at the expense of the hereafter? Or is it in the hereafter, when you meet Allah that you want to be happy?

Every where you go you shall find a swarm of people and media and culture swearing to you that happiness is the happiness of the Dunya. Is it really happiness though? On the day of Repayment, Allah shall take the most `happiest' kafir of the Dunya and dip him in Jahannam – Hellfire. Then he shall ask him, "Have you ever seen any happiness?" The Kafir will say, "Never!"

Nay, the happiness is only the happiness of the hereafter no matter what happens in this Dunya.. Allah shall bring on the Day of Repayment the most tested human and dip him in Jannah – Paradise . He shall then ask him, "Have you ever seen sadness?" And that person shall say, "Never!

And don't think that this happiness and fun is exclusive to the hereafter. It is very much tied to this life as well. Listen and understand the words of Allah:

Whoever works righteousness, whether male or female, while he (or she) is a true believer verily to him We will give a good life (in this world with respect, contentment and lawful provision), and We shall pay them certainly a reward in proportion to the best of what they used to do (i.e. Paradise in the Hereafter). – Surah AnNahl (16/97)

Action item by you oh Dear Sister!!
1.Islam is filled with many Mu'minahs that completed their Taqwa of Allah. When the other girls put up posters of kafir singers and kafir athletes and kafir actresses, you should put up posters in your heart of Fatimah and many other Mu'minahs. when you put up this poster the boys of these group(RSS) would fear to come close to you or even fear to try their tactics on you.

2.Start wearing your hijab today.
Dear sister, after all this, ask a non-Muslim what it is that he wants from you? Does he want you to be liberated?

Liberated from what?

From Allah and his Messenger?

From the Quran and the Sunnah?

From Jannah?

From this deen that Allah chose for you?

And what is he going to give you in return? Happinness? By Allah, he does not own any happiness to give. Is he going to give you love and protection from punishment in the grave and from the gate keepers of hellfire and from death? Why is it that they want to liberate young beautiful women? Why don't they liberate the seniors? Why don't they liberate the indigenous? Why don't they liberate the inmates? Why is their target audience a young and skinny and tall women (their definition of beauty) between the age of 13 – 28? And why is their first call for you to take off your Hijab?

so understand these people are jealous of you. yes, they are jealous of your character, they are jealous of your religion that's why they are planning to ruin your lifes.

Action item by every parents , by every brother.

1. Provide them the environment of learning Islam, take them to the conferences where Quran and sunnah is taught.

2. Buy them religious books , give them compliment when you fail to give them compliment they expect from someone from outside.

3.If you can't do the above two items then here is the fantastic one; Start assuming that these incidents won’t happen in our extended families, and say proudly “I know the girls & boys of my family”.

Last words
[O ye who believe! give your response to Allah and His Messenger, when He calls you to that which shall give you life; and know that Allah cometh between a man and his heart, and that it is He to Whom ye shall (all) be gathered.]
- Surah Anfal 8/24

Allah and His Messenger are calling you to life. Dear sister, reply!


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